Here are a few good stomach workouts for weight loss that you should consider using. If you're tired of wasting so much time on the usual boring exercises such as crunches and situps, then read this now for a new way to flatten your belly and reduce the size of your stomach.
Stomach Workouts for Weight Loss
1. Ab Wheel workouts
I love this little gadget. I got it on a whim not expecting much, but WOW, was I surprised at how well it works my stomach. What I do is I get on my knees, grab the handles on the wheel, and then roll it out in front of me as far as I can control it. That's the easy part. The hard part is rolling it back into me.
My goal is simple with these.
Do as many as I can in 5 minutes. Rest as little as possible. It's a quick 5 minutes. You can do this on a hard floor or carpet... it doesn't really matter. 5 minutes a day, that's all I'm asking for from you.
2. Squats and deadlifts with weights at the gym
I hope I'm not making a mistake, but I'm just going to assume you know what both of these exercises are. The reason why I included them as a stomach workout is because the indirect stimulation your abdominal muscles get from these exercises is incredible. Better than direct abs exercises.
You see, the abdominals act as stabilizer muscles. To make these great for weight loss, do lots of volume with these and go at a fast pace.I suggest doing 5 sets of 10-15 repetitions with rest times of 1 minute or less. This will take you about 8 minutes total. Do this 3 times a week alternating between squats and deadlifts.
These stomach workouts arefor weight loss as well as tightening and firming your abdominal muscles so they are flat and fit.
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