Many folks will use dietary supplements to assist them in achieving their weight loss goals. The ones which tend to be the most beneficial are those which combine Green Tea and Hoodia together.
Although separately Green Tea and Hoodia for weight loss supplements are good when they are combined together they prove more effective at helping a person to lose more quickly.
Certainly when it comes to Green Tea and Hoodia for weight loss there are many benefits to be had from these two herbs and below we take a look at just what these are.
1. The Hoodia in the supplements is what helps to suppress ones appetite. For thousands of years the Hoodia cactus which grows in the Kalahari Desert has been used by the San people as a way of suppressing their appetite when away on long hunting trips.
However, it was only in the last few years that we in the Western world have begun to see the benefits of using Hoodia.
There have been numerous studies carried out on this plant and in some studies it has been shown that by taking a Hoodia supplement a person can reduce their calorie intake by as much as 1,000 calories each day.
What the Hoodia does it contains properties within it which mimics the effect that glucose has on your brain.
It will tell the part of the brain (the hypothalamus) that controls our hunger pangs and those feelings when we feel full after eating and which is what increased levels of glucose in the body does as well.
In fact reports are showing that Hoodia is 10,000 times more stronger than glucose at being able to signal to the hypothalamus in the brain when a person should stop eating.
2. The Green Tea for weight loss comes with several benefits. First off it has been proven that drinking this helps to boost one's metabolism. It contains a concentrate of catechin polyphenols which help the body to produce more fat oxidation and thermogenesis which means that the body is able to burn off calories much more quickly.
Also drinking Green Tea actually prevents the body from absorbing too much and helps to keep the levels of glucose in one's body maintained.
Plus it is the catechin polyphenols in the Green Tea that scientists have found that it prevents the body from converting glucose into fat.
But not only does this herb help with weight loss there are other health benefits associated with it. Studies that have been carried out suggest that it can help fight cancer, reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and also help to prevent tooth decay.
Certainly from the benefits we have listed above you can see why getting the right product that combines Green Tea with Hoodia, you're getting the best of both health worlds. Do keep up your search for more and detailed information for your good health and your easiest fat loss, too.
However, before using any kinds of Green Tea and Hoodia for weight loss supplements it is advisable to speak with your doctor or dietitian beforehand, especially if you have any kind of medical condition.
Lara Greene has a passion for fitness with a focus on health and wellness, that's explains why she's so excited about all natural weight loss. Lara contributes to sites all over the internet about health & wellness and one specifiably on Ultra Slim Plus because USP is about all natural fat loss with a Hoodia-Green Tea combo: - Natural Weight Loss Tips Getting You Moving towards health, fitness and wellness in natural ways including getting to your best weight.
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