Need an effective weight loss diet where you don't starve, don't have to count calories, and you don't suffer from being tired all day? If so, I'm going to give you a few key tips on how to make a diet work for you instead of you having to adjust to some crazy diet.
Effective Weight Loss Diet
1. Like Eggs? Great, eat as much of them as you want as often as you want
If you don't like eggs, maybe you should stop reading now. But if you do, here's the deal. Scramble them up and eat them as often as you want... as many as you want. Simple, huh?
Eggs are a wonder food. Lots of protein in them and they fill you up. In fact, the protein in them is rated as the highest nutritional value of any protein on the planet!
Mix things up. Have 2-3 eggs with each meal, but add in different things to the meal so you don't get bored with eggs.
2. Protein shakes
If you're not using protein shakes to lose weight, what are you waiting for?
These go great with just about any diet plan. You don't need to even use them to replace meals. Use them as snacks instead. It doesn't matter, just use them.
Try to find a protein powder that has over 20 grams of protein and under 5 grams of fat/carbs in each serving. Then take 1-2 scoops (I use 1.5 scoops) and put it in some milk or water.
Having 2 of these a day, combined with the eggs above, would basically FORCE YOUR BODY to lose weight. It has NO CHOICE.
This is an effective weight loss diet because it still gives you plenty of flexibility to eat whatever it is you want to eat. Your focus is on eggs and protein shakes, but you're allowed to eat whatever else you want.
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Jennifer Jolan
AP - Like any young woman in love, Bianca Acevedo has exchanged valentine hearts with her fiance. But the New York neuroscientist knows better. The source of love is in the head, not the heart. She's one of the researchers in a relatively new field focused on explaining the biology of romantic love. And the unpoetic explanation is that love mostly can be understood through brain images, hormones and genetics.
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